Butterfly Garden Lily Bouquet


Product Details

Our Butterfly Garden Lily Bouquet is in full bloom whether you use it as a wedding bouquet or put it in a vase for an instant arrangement. It includes three everlasting Courtly Check® pink lilies, accented with seed pods, leaves and branches, trimmed with a bound jute handle.

Product #: 34750-3649

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Product Details

Our Butterfly Garden Lily Bouquet is in full bloom whether you use it as a wedding bouquet or put it in a vase for an instant arrangement. It includes three everlasting Courtly Check® pink lilies, accented with seed pods, leaves and branches, trimmed with a bound jute handle.

Product #: 34750-3649


9″ wide, 13″ tall


Paper and fabric flowers, naturals pods & twigs, sinamay ribbon. Pieces may vary due to the handmade nature of each product. Imported.

Care and Use

Dust with a soft, dry cloth.