Courtly Lavender Bouquet


Our Courtly Anemone Bouquet is simply sensational. Everlasting purple lavender, mixed with Courtly Check® leaves, create an instant arrangement when placed in our containers. Carried on its own, it’s a beautiful bouquet always in full bloom.

Product #: 34765-1306

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Our Courtly Anemone Bouquet is simply sensational. Everlasting purple lavender, mixed with Courtly Check® leaves, create an instant arrangement when placed in our containers. Carried on its own, it’s a beautiful bouquet always in full bloom.

Product #: 34765-1306

Additional information


6.5" wide, 13" tall


Polyester, foam, and wire. Pieces may vary due to the handmade nature of each product. Imported.

Care and Use

Dust with a soft, damp cloth.


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